If every day you were to walk past the same individual and ignore him, never smiling or saying hello or returning any kind gesture he extended toward you, would you expect that same individual to readily respond if suddenly you were to implore his helping hand? Then don’t ignore God. Say ‘hello’ now and then. Richelle E. Goodrich
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I sought to hear the voice of God and climbed the topmost steeple, but God declared: "Go down again - I dwell among the people. - John Henry Newman

  2. The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not. - C.s. Lewis

  3. Down on the lake rosy reflections of celestial vapor appeared, and I said, "God, I love you" and looked to the sky and really meant it. "I have fallen in love with you, God. Take care of us all, one way or the other." To... - Jack Kerouac

  4. Let me tell you about love, that silly word you believe is about whether you like somebody or whether somebody likes you or whether you can put up with somebody in order to get something or someplace you want or you believe it has to... - Toni Morrison

  5. Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you. - Francine Rivers

More Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich
  1. No one is without troubles, without personal hardships and genuine challenges.  That fact may not be obvious because most people don't advertise their woes and heartaches.  But nobody, not even the purest heart, escapes life without suffering battle scars.

  2. Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.

  3. Don't ever give up. Don't ever give in. Don't ever stop trying. Don't ever sell out. And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start where you left...

  4. A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.

  5. Never give up. It's like breathing–once you quit, your flame dies letting total darkness extinguish every last gasp of hope. You can't do that. You must continue taking in even the shallowest of breaths, continue putting forth even the smallest of efforts to sustain your...

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